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Love isn't always as clear mountain tops in Spring or as romantic as the movies portray it. It's as ever changing as jazz. It's as...


beeping buzzing ringing and vibrating. missed calls unread messages online shopping malls and 10 second images. I'm as guilty as any...


They burst through the cracks of hell to rise up and epitomize the beauty of heaven. The rocks bolted through the ground into curious...


France, Spain, England, and Turkey. So broke with so many places I belong to. The snowy weather makes my heart blurry. It's time for my...


Once I dreamed of pairing off instantly, now all I want is to fly endlessly. Enough of the husband hungry  girls! Where's the soul...


Never quite together, but the best of friends. Perhaps it doesn't matter anymore. But I feel like I need to mend this fling that lives on...


The leaves fall onto empty sidewalks my footsteps are obligated to crunch them the crackle echoes through the cloudy haze as the windows...


Thick sweaters and soggy socks. Hot cocoa and acoustic guitars. Big bonfires and quick snuggles. Difficult exams and long naps. Rainy...


It's taken a long time to get here-to be able to look back and see every step of the way where things were ending and others beginning. I...

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